Apr 18, 2023

Your mental state at the time of audit is the byproduct of the result of small activities you are doing in your routine.

Whether you are one of these ?

Have you ever heard that "There is only some leakage what is any critical in that?"?

Have you ever heard "There is nothing critical in this leakage. In rainy seasons this happens. We are working on this and shall take proper action." ?

It's just a transcription error.

It's just missing entry.

Due to chemicals, gases & rust is natural. What critical in that.

This is only small thing nothing big in that.

Not impacting shall do later....

Shall do... Lets see......

Whether you heard these statements ever on your site?

By the way your mental state at the time of audit is the byproduct of the result of small activities you are doing in your routine.

Your mental state at the time of audit depends on the decisions you take in your routine.

Many small non-compliances which you ignore in daily life becomes the reason of critical non-compliance one day and all company has to pay for that.

Do you agree with me?

Assignment for you:

Introspect that on your site which small non-compliances are there which you ignore every day?

Make a list of these and make action plan & close those non-compliances with proper procedure.